
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love
Just Yann

Monday 5 August 2013

   Hi Everyone!! I have been quite busy, it's hard to keep this blog alive :(  Gahh! So Anyway my school exam is over and I realized, I only have about 5 months till I'm done with form 4!  Being able to maintain career as well as studies at the same time. Sure, it isn't easy, and it's really tiring, but I am fulfilling my dreams and LIFE IS AWESOME YOU CAN'T COMPLAIN! ^^ So I hope that everyone will strive towards their goals, hopes and dreams. It certainly isn't easy, but dreams can come through, GO ON AND ROCK THE REST OF 2013!!!          OH well... it's holidays! August maybe is an exciting month!? Hope so. :)  2013/08/05 , steamboat party night at my house!! woohoo :D Here is some of the photos! Enjoyed :P Look at the second pic, wahaha!! commended the foods were so delicious!! XD Okie...happy holidays to everyone!! :D